- Active Directory Services is a Windows 2000 directory service
that acts as the central authority for network security, by letting
the operating system validate a user's identity and control his
or her access to network resources.
always allowed - A filter category given this designation
will be included in the white list. However, this setting in a library
category is overridden if the minimum filtering level is set up
to block that category.
attribute - A component of a group base or Distinguished
Name (DN) that has a type and value. Attribute types include "cn"
for common name, "dc" for domain component, and "ou"
for organizational unit.
authentication method - A way to validate users on a network.
The LDAP method is the authentication method used by the Web Filter.
authentication server - The domain controller on a domain.
This server is used for authenticating users on the network.
setting - A setting assigned to a service port or library category
when creating a rule, or when setting up a filtering profile or
the minimum filtering level. If an item is given a block setting,
users will be denied access to it.
bridge mode - A Web Filter set up in the bridge mode
filters as for the invisible mode, with the exception of HTTPS
requests to YouTube and Google. These requests are passed to a
special on-board proxy where they are decrypted. This mode allows
keyword filtering of HTTPS Google and YouTube requests. In version 5.1.10 and above, you can choose to filter ONLY these requests.
name (cn) - An attribute type entered for a username and group
when using LDAP.
container - An LDAP server object that can be comprised of
containers, organizational units, or domains. Container objects
can also "contain" other objects, such as user objects,
group objects, and computer objects.
custom category - A unique library category that is created
by an administrator, and can include URLs, URL keywords, and search
engine keywords to be blocked. Group administrators create and manage
custom library categories for their own group.
- This information source on a server contains attribute-based data
relevant to a DN entry.
directory service - Uses a directory on a server to automate
administrative tasks for storing and managing objects on a network
(such as users, passwords, and network resources users can access).
ADS, DNS, and NDS (Novell Directory Services) are types of directory
Distinguished Name (DN) - A string of cn and
dc attribute types comprised of the username and group
name, domain name, and DNS suffix. For example: cn=admin_user,
cn=admin, dc=yahoo, dc=com. The "ou" attribute type
also could be part of the DN. For example: "cn=Joe Smith, ou=users,
ou=sales, dc=acme, dc=com."
DNS - Domain Name Service is a distributed Internet directory
service. DNS is used mostly for making translations between domain
names and IP addresses.
domain - An entity on a network comprised of servers, workstations,
and peripherals.
domain component (dc) - An attribute type entered for a domain
name and DNS suffix when using LDAP.
domain controller - An authentication server that answers
logon requests from workstations in a Windows NT domain. There are
two types of domain controller servers: Primary Domain Controller
(PDC) and Backup Domain Controller (BDC).
dynamic group - a virtual LDAP group that does not contain
names of its members but is derived automatically by matching certain
user data criteria. (See also “static group”.)
- A collection of attribute types that comprise a Distinguished
Name (DN). Each attribute type of the Distinguished Name has a type
and one or more values. These types are mnemonic strings, such as
"cn" for common name, "dc" for domain component,
or "ou" for organizational unit.
setting - A setting made for a service port. A service port
with a filter setting uses filter settings created for library categories
(block, open, warn, or always allow settings) to determine whether
users should be denied or allowed access to that port.
firewall mode - A Web Filter set up in the firewall mode will
filter all requests. If the request is appropriate, the original
packet will pass unchanged. If the request is inappropriate, the
original packet will be blocked from being routed through. You can choose to pass HTTPS Google and YouTube requests to a special on-board proxy where they are decrypted.
This mode allows keyword filtering of these requests.
administrator - An authorized administrator of the network who
maintains all aspects of the Web Filter, except for managing master IP
groups and their members, and their associated filtering profiles.
The global administrator configures the Web Filter, sets up master IP
groups, and performs routine maintenance on the server.
group administrator - An authorized administrator of the
network who maintains a master IP group, setting up and managing
members within that group. This administrator also adds and maintains
customized library categories for the group.
group name - The name of a group set up for a domain on an
Windows Active Directory server. For example: production
or sales.
IP member - An entity of a master IP group with a single IP
instant messaging
- IM involves direct connections between workstations either locally
or across the Internet. Using this feature of the Web Filter, groups
and/or individual client machines can be set up to block the use
of IM services specified in the library category.
invisible mode - A Web Filter set up in the invisible mode will
filter all connections on the Ethernet between client PCs and the
Internet, without stopping each IP packet on the same Ethernet segment.
The unit will only intercept a session if an inappropriate request
was submitted by a client.
- A word or term used for accessing Internet content. A keyword
can be part of a URL address or it can be a search term. An example
of a URL keyword is the word essex in
An example of a search engine keyword is the entry essex.
category - A list of URLs, URL keywords, and search engine keywords
set up to be blocked.
LDAP - The authentication method protocol used by the Web Filter.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a directory service
protocol based on entries (Distinguished Names).
LDAP host - The LDAP domain name and DNS suffix. For example: or server.local.
login (or logon) script - Consists of syntax that is used
for re-authenticating a user if the network connection between the
users machine and the server is lost.
machine name - Pertains to the name of the users workstation
machine (computer).
master IP group - An IP group set up in the tree menu in
the Policy section of the Administrator console, comprised of sub-groups
and/or individual IP filtering profiles.
master list - A list of additional URLs that is uploaded
to a custom categorys URL Category window.
minimum filtering level - A set of library categories and
service ports defined at the global level to be blocked or opened.
If the minimum filtering level is established, it is applied in
conjunction with a users filtering profile. If a user does
not belong to a group, or the users group does not have a
filtering profile, the default (global) filtering profile is used,
and the minimum filtering level does not apply to that user. If
the minimum filtering level is set up to block a library category,
this setting will override an always allowed setting for that category
in a user’s profile. Minimum filtering level settings can
be overridden by profile settings made in override accounts, exception
URL settings, and use of the “bypass all” Rule setting.
mobile mode - The operations mode used on a Web Filter configured
for filtering end users on machines located outside of the in-house
resolution - A process that occurs when the Web Filter attempts to
resolve the IP address of the authentication server with the machine
name of that server. This continuous and regulated automated procecedure
ensures the connection between the two servers is maintained.
net use - A command that is used for connecting a computer
toor disconnecting a computer froma shared resource,
or displaying information about computer connections. The command
also controls persistent net connections.
NetBIOS - Network Basic Input Output System is an application
programming interface (API) that augments the DOS BIOS by adding
special functions to local-area networks (LANs). Almost all LANs
for PCs are based on the NetBIOS. NetBIOS relies on a message format
called Server Message Block (SMB).
NetBIOS name lookup - An authentication method used for validating
a client (machine) by its machine name.
Address Translation (NAT) - Allows a single real IP address
to be used by multiple PCs or servers. This is accomplished via
a creative translation of inside fake IP addresses into
outside real IP addresses.
setting - A setting assigned to a service port or library category
when creating a rule, or when setting up a filtering profile or
the minimum filtering level. If an item is given an open (pass)
setting, users will have access to it.
organizational unit (ou) - An attribute type that can be
entered in the LDAP Distinguished Name for a user group.
override account - An account created by the global group
administrator or the group administrator to give an authorized user
the ability to access Internet content blocked at the global level
or the group level. An override account will bypass settings made
in the minimum filtering level.
- A Primary Domain Controller functions as the authentication
server on a Windows NT domain. This server maintains the master
copy of the directory database used for validating users.
peer-to-peer - P2P involves communication between computing
devicesdesktops, servers, and other smart devicesthat
are linked directly to each other. Using this feature of the Web Filter,
groups and/or individual client machines can be set up to block
the use of P2P services specified in the library category.
profile string - The string of characters that define a filtering
profile. A profile string can consist of the following components:
category codes, service port numbers, and redirect URL.
protocol - A type of format for transmitting data between
two devices. LDAP and SMB are types of authentication method protocols.
proxy server - An appliance or software that accesses the
Internet for the users client PC. When a client PC submits
a request for a Web page, the proxy server accesses the page from
the Internet and sends it to the client. A proxy server may be used
for security reasons or in conjunciton with caching for bandwidth
and performance reasons.
- The number of minutes configured for a passed library category
in an end user’s profile that lets him/her access URLs for
a specified time before being blocked from further access to that
- This feature is used for controlling the filtering levels of dial-up
users. The Radius accounting server determines which accounts will
be filtered and how they will be filtered. The user profile in the
Radius accounting server holds the filter definition for the user.
Real Time Probe - On the Web Filter, this tool is used for monitoring
the Internet activity of specified users in real time. The report
generated by the probe lets the administrator know whether end users
are using the Internet appropriately.
router mode - A Web Filter set up in the router mode will act
as an Ethernet router, filtering IP packets as they pass from one
card to another. While all original packets from client PCs are
allowed to pass, if the Web Filter determines that a request is inappropriate,
a block page is returned to the client to replace the actual requested
Web page or service. You can choose to pass HTTPS Google and YouTube requests to a special on-board proxy where they are decrypted.
This mode allows keyword filtering of these requests.
rule - A filtering component comprised of library categories
set up to be blocked, opened, always allowed, or set up with a warning
and/or a time quota. Each rule created by the global administrator
is assigned a number and a name that should be indicative of its
theme. Rules are used when creating filtering profiles for entities
on the network.
engine - A program that searches Web pages for specified keywords
and returns a list of the pages or services where the keywords were
service port - Service ports can be set up to blocked. Examples
of these ports include File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP),
Secured HTTP Transmission (HTTPS), and Other ports such as Secure
Shell (SSH).
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used for transferring
email messages between servers.
SNMP - For the Web Filter, a Simple Network Management Protocol
is a third party product used for monitoring and managing the working
status of the Web Filter’s filtering on a network.
sub-group - An entity of an IP group with an associated member
IP address and netmask, and filtering profile.
synchronization - A process by which two or more machines
run in parallel to each other. User filtering profiles and library
configurations can be set up to be synchronized between multiple
Web Filters. The clock on the Web Filter can be set up to be synchronized
with a server on the Internet running Network Time Protocol (NTP)
- Levels of authentication methods. Tier 1 uses net use based
authentication. Tier 2 uses time-based profiles. Tier 3 uses persistent
login connections.
time profile - A customized filtering profile set up to be effective
at a specified time period for all users in a sub-group.
Traveler - Trustwaves executable program that downloads updates
to your Web Filter on demand or at a scheduled time.
supplied category - A library category that was created by
and includes a list of URLs, URL keywords, and search engine keywords
to be blocked.
- An abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator, the global address
of Web pages and other resources on the Internet. A URL is comprised
of two parts. The first part of the address specifies which protocol
to use (such as "http"). The second part specifies the
IP address or the domain name where the resource is located (such
as or "").
- Virtual Local Area Network is a network of computers that
may be located on different segments of a LAN but communicate as
if they were on the same physical LAN segment.
virtual IP address - The IP address used for communicating with
all users who log on the network.
VuSafe - A feature that lets users view only the
videos posted to YouTube or SchoolTube that are approved for their
profile. This feature requires the setup and maintenance of a Web
portal, and/or access to VuSafe’s portal.
setting - A setting assigned to a library category or uncategorized
URLs when creating a rule, or when setting up a filtering profile.
This designation indicates URLs in the library category or uncategorized
URLs may potentially be in opposition to the organization’s
policies, and are flagged with a warning message that displays for
the end user if a URL from that library category or an uncategorized
URL is requested.
Web-based - An authentication method that uses time-based profiles
or persistent login connections.
white list - A list of approved library categories for a
specified entity's filtering profle.
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